Diversity in Entrepreneurship is Critical

Often our pursuits are fuelled by our experiences and our experiences frame our context.

Why we do what we do is critical in life, but it is absolutely critical in entrepreneurship.

I recently read an article in Startup Daily on Jack Delosa, and a Rap EP he’s just launched, and it really reminded me of the importance of perspective. 

Jack’s an extremely successful young guy yet he has time to write, record, re-record, and re-record again 10 full length songs! First of all this is pretty cool as an individual act, but the message the act sends is far cooler. Writing and recording music is a creative outlet. Something that enables Jack (and many other people) to express their thoughts, their feelings and give some insight into ‘their perspective.’

Doing things simply for the love, the passion or the expression of creativity is something that many entrepreneurs will likely loose along the way. But, keeping up your creative pursuits, and engaging in different activities with different people lends perspective. It helps you become more rounded and it takes you outside of the silo of your existence.

One thing isn’t enough.

You need diversity in your life. Diversity in your actions will broaden your perspective and frame your context. 

This is brilliant for a number of reasons but primarily because breadth of perspective helps you think more expansively, and will ideally enable you to more effectively solve the high value problems you face in your business and in your life.

Jack’s example was merely one of many, but the message shouldn’t go unnoticed.

For me, it helped reinforce the fact that creative pursuits and diversity of actions and experiences are a good thing.

I’m not quite sure exactly what all of these actions and experiences will be just yet, but I look forward to them anyway.